Career Education
At Los Rios, we offer over 120 career education programs in a variety of sectors. Our career education programs are taught by instructors and expert professionals and provide hands-on training while building the comprehensive skillsets needed for success in today's jobs.
Career Education Sectors
Ready for more? Career education allows you to learn by exploring, collaborating, and doing.
Advanced Manufacturing
The manufacturing sector is critical to California’s economy. Demand for graduates is expected to rise for years to come. Career pathways include welding, machining, industrial maintenance, engineering, and design.
Advanced Transportation and Logistics
As a world leader in clean energy, California offers promising job opportunities for graduates interested in the intersection of vehicles, fuels, and new technologies. As higher standards for fuel efficiency are adopted, the need for workers in this area is expected to intensify.
Agriculture, Water, and Environmental Technologies
When most people think about agriculture, they might only envision farming or ranching. But modern agriculture and its associated sciences have widespread impacts – from health and safety to biosecurity and environmental sustainability.
Business and Global Trade
The demand for employees with an education in business administration, marketing, accounting, trade and customs, personnel management, and related areas is strong – every industry needs people with the ability to organize, plan, and manage.
Energy, Construction and Utilities
Students who choose this career path set themselves up for job security in California and across the globe as this industry expands. Potential careers include architecture, engineering, inspection, and jobs in the construction trades, such as plumbing and carpentry.
Health and Life Sciences
Health care services encompasses careers in hospitals, ambulatory services, nursing, and residential care facilities. With jobs in urban and rural areas, health care is among the few industries that offers mobility and regional diversity.
Information Communication Technologies and Digital Media
Information communication technologies (ICT) affect how people work, communicate, organize, manage their lives, and more. California companies are global leaders in this dynamic and evolving space.
Public Safety and Service
Public safety is a good fit for students who care about making a difference in their communities and want to help people. This field includes police work, emergency response, and disaster relief.
Retail, Hospitality, and Tourism
The retail, hospitality, and tourism sector provides a wide range of career possibilities, from the sales room floor to head chef to hotel management.