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Facts & Statistics

Home Why Los Rios? Facts and Statistics

We are committed to our students' success. That's why knowing who our students are – and how well they are doing – is so important.

Los Rios by the Numbers


Campus locations to serve students


Service-area miles surrounding California's capital city


Students enrolled annually

Our Students

Race and Ethnicity

Nearly one-third of Los Rios students identify as white, while another third identify as Hispanic/Latino.

The racial/ethnic breakdown of Los Rios students: 32.5% white, 30.8% Hispanic/Latino, 14.9% Asian, 8.4% African American, 7.5% multi-race, 2.8% Filipino, 1% Pacific Islander, .4% Native American, and less than .1% other non-white

The racial/ethnic breakdown of Los Rios students: 32.5% white, 30.8% Hispanic/Latino, 14.9% Asian, 8.4% African American, 7.5% multi-race, 2.8% Filipino, 1% Pacific Islander, .4% Native American, and less than .1% other non-white.


More than half of Los Rios students are between 18 and 24 years old, and over one-quarter are between 25 and 39 years old.

The age breakdown of Los Rios students: 8.6% are under 18; 31.2% are 18 to 20; 19.5% are 21 to 24; 13% are 25 to 29; 15.9% are 30 to 39; and 11.8% are above 40

The age breakdown of Los Rios students: 8.6% are under 18; 31.2% are 18 to 20; 19.5% are 21 to 24; 13% are 25 to 29; 15.9% are 30 to 39; abd 11.8% are above 40.

Socioeconomic Status

One-quarter of Los Rios students live below the poverty line and one-fifth are low-income, while over 36% are considered middle-class.

The socioeconomic breakdown of Los Rios student: 25.4% live below the poverty line, 20.3% are low income, 36.7% are middle class, and 17.6% are unable to determine.

The socioeconomic breakdown of Los Rios student: 25.4% live below the poverty line, 20.3% are low income, 36.7% are middle class, and 17.6% are unable to determine.

Based on Fall 2024 data.

Economic Impact

Infographic: Los Rios provides $2.1 billion in added income that supports 27,415 jobs. This contribution is nearly as larged as the entire utilities industry in the region and is equal to 1.7% of GDP of the Los Rios service area
Infographic: Every $1 spent by students = $3.40 gained in lifetime earnings; every $1 spent by taxpayers equals $2.30 gained in added taxes and public sector savings; and every $1 spent by society equals $10.70 gained in added state revenue and social savings

Explore Data Dashboards

Academic Year Dashboard

Student enrollment and outcome trends over the last five academic years.

Go to Academic Year Dashboard

Fall Snapshot Dashboard

Student enrollment and outcome trends over the last five fall terms.

Go to Fall Snapshot Dashboard

Completion Dashboard

Degrees and certificates over the last five academic years.

Go to Completion – Degrees and Certificates Dashboard

Equity Dashboard

Student outcomes by demographic disaggregations over the last three academic years.

Go to Equity Dashboard

Unit Accumulation Dashboard

Average units completed at degree over the last four academic years.

Go to Unit Accumulation Dashboard

AB 705 Dashboard

Students' success in completing transfer-level English or math within one year (of their first attempt).

Go to AB 705 Dashboard

Transfer Dashboard

Student transfers to CSU and UC across the last five academic years.

Go to Transfer Dashboard

CTE Dashboard

CTE enrollment and awards over the last three years.

Go to CTE Dashboard

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