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Supplies, Equipment, and Non-Construction Projects

The purchasing thresholds for comparative quotes are based on the unit price or on the aggregate total of the items requisitioned. District policy1 grants the purchasing department discretionary authority to obtain quotes as necessary if determined to be in the best interest of Los Rios.


Bid Type Project Cost Requirements
None $999 or less No requirement
RFQ $1,000 to $4,999 Three informal quotes from vendors or market research
RFQ $5,000 to $114,799 Three written quotes submitted on vendor letterhead or email
RFP/Formal Bid $114,8002 or more Requires purchasing coordination, advertisement, and sealed bids. This dollar amount is based on the duration of the contract: no more than three years for supply items; no more than five years for services.3

Small Business Exception

For non-construction projects (goods, equipment, materials, services, and so on) costing between $5,000 and $250,000, the requirement for bids from businesses certified as Small Business Enterprise (SBE) or Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE) is two written quotes.4
