What is Articulation?
Course articulation is the process by which one college matches its courses to courses at another college. Students use course articulation to make sure that courses they take at one college will not have to be repeated when they transfer to another college.
If you plan to transfer to a four-year college or university, then you will probably take articulated courses for general education and major preparation.
Articulation Agreements
Many colleges have articulation agreements (also called transfer course agreements), which define which courses they consider comparable. We have articulation agreements with University of California (UC), California State University (CSU), and some accredited private and out-of-state colleges.
CSU and UC Articulation Agreements
You can find articulation agreements between the Los Rios colleges and both California State University and University of California at assist.org.
Articulation Agreements with Private or Out-of-State Colleges
Each of our colleges has articulation agreements with various private and out-of-state colleges. Select your college to learn more about its articulation agreements.